Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Things To Come

Sometimes life has a way of sweeping you away from where you want to be - kind of like a rip tide at the beach.  Well, I've made my way back to my blog and there are good things to come: 

Today I did an interview with Seth Mandeville, the sommelier at Sel de la Terre / Back Bay Boston, which will be posted as soon as I can get it transcribed. 

Tomorrow, Friday, I will be attending Sips for Scholarships, a wine tasting very much like A Sip of Winthrop - it will actually be held in the same location.  This is a fundraiser for Funds for Education Abroad which offers scholarships for university students to take semesters abroad.

Then, at the end of January, I will be a blogging correspondent for the third annual Key West Food and Wine Festival, which should be a fantastic four-day whirlwind of gastronomic experiences.

Also in January I will begin taking the Wine & Spirits Education Trust Intermediate classes offered by Adam Chase at the Boston Center for Adult Education - I need to expand my wine knowledge.

So, while I have been a bit negligent have no fear, there are good things to come!

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