Sunday, November 6, 2011

Urinetown - The Play

Our starlet and her Nana
On Saturday night I went to see my niece in Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School's production of Urinetown.  Now with a name like that, I just wasn't sure what to expect.  However, this show which was originally produced on Broadway and won three Tony Awards, is a fun and sassy musical about a future faced with deprivation.  In this imagined time there has been a 20-year drought and a corrupt corporation has stepped in to control water and it charges fees for people to pee.  I realize it doesn't sound too enticing, but it ends up being the story of an elite minority controlling resouces and finances while leaving the majority to barely eke out an existence - sound familiar?  And this tale is told with lots of humor and mischievous breaking of the fourth wall.  This was the most energetic show I'd seen in years and was delighted by the level of talent of the cast.  So, if you ever see a production of Urinetown advertised in your town, my advice is:  GO!

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