Sunday, July 10, 2011

Looking Back: Stavanger, Norway

This is another travel adventure from my time on the ship.  On 6/23 we stopped in Stavanger - our last port in Norway. 

My tour was to the Utstein Abbey (in Norwegian:  Utstein Kloster), a well-preserved Medieval monastery.  The abbey was founded in its current location in the later 1200s, and was dissolved as a monastery during the Reformation.  One of its current uses is as a medical conference center.
A wedding was about to take place in the chapel and some of the guests arrived in traditional Norwegian costume. 

We were supposed to have had an organ concert in the church, but the organist, being a local farmer, simply could not get away so we had an a cappella concert sung by our monastery guide and two other women - it was beautiful and the acoustics grand. 

We then had the option of a short walking tour of old town Stavanger, which I took. 

I then ran to a restaurant on the waterfront and gulped down a bowl of the very delicious cream-based fish soup (seems to be a national dish).  I would have liked to have sat and enjoyed my time more, but if you are late to reboard the ship security may take away your crew card (which is your ID card and your ATM card, so it is not something you want to lose).
Back on the ship I looked in my wallet and realized I was carrying U.S. Dollars, British Pounds, Euros and Norwegian Kroner - how international am I?

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